Life Line Screening has screened over 8 million people, using ultrasound technology to reveal dangerous plaque build up or blockage, a major risk factor for stroke and heart disease.
Our services go above and beyond what’s offered by most primary care doctors. Even so, we’ve designed our screening results to be shared and discussed with your physician, giving you access to the most comprehensive care.
9 out of 10 cardiovascular doctors support preventive health screenings for cardiovascular disease (plaque in the arteries) among patients with key risk factors. Examples of key risk factors may include age 55+, family history, tobacco use, high blood-pressure, etc.
Join the millions of Americans that chose to take control and be proactive about their health. With a Life Line Screening you can have peace of mind knowing that you are taking steps towards a healthier you!
Over 8 Million People Screened since 1996
cases of potential atherosclerosis and plaque buildup**
cases with elevated heart attack and stroke risk**
possible cases of critical vascular disease**
**Those with abnormal results should discuss the results of their tests and possible next steps with their family healthcare providers and make sure they understand the risks and benefits of any additional testing or procedures.
Numbers above are as of December 4, 2017
Only $149 for all these screenings (normally $330)
Ultrasound evaluation of the carotid arteries that screens for buildup of fatty plaque - the leading cause of strokes.
Uses ultrasound and blood pressure measurements to check for peripheral arterial disease (plaque build-up) in the lower extemites.
Ultrasound is used to screen for the existance of an aneurysm (elnargement) in the abdominal aorta that could lead to a ruptured aortic artery.
A quick and easy test using EKG electrodes placed on the arms and legs to identify the presence of Atrial Fibrillation, which increases the risk of stroke by 5 times.
An ultrasound measurement of the heel bone to determine abnormal bone mass density.